Two Bikers Riding All Over The Internet

Choosing An Exhaust For A BMW R1200GS

At first I was pretty happy with the stock pipe on my BMW R1200 GS, but after about 7,000kms I knew it had to go; it just didn’t have the character, or note, that I liked.   Ireally wanted that angry twin note, I basically wanted it to sound like my old Multistrada. Thumpy, angry… Continue reading Choosing An Exhaust For A BMW R1200GS

Learning About Harleys And Getting Flamed By Trolls

Yasuo! My Dad was a greek Cypriot, and Mum was English, he loved Indians, and she loved bikes and boys. What a match! They were together until the end, some 53 odd years of marriage and migration from the UK to Australia as ’10 Pound Poms’, raising 3 boys and 2 girls.   It is fair to say… Continue reading Learning About Harleys And Getting Flamed By Trolls

Carpe Diem: A Day Adventuring On The Triple Black GS

I keep running across this mindful thing of late, it’s really stuck with me through these past few months when stuff has been really dark, and conversely when stuff is really light and fluffy too. Like enjoying a good belly laugh. The kind that comes from nowhere, the one that takes-you-by-complete-surprise kind of laugh. Or… Continue reading Carpe Diem: A Day Adventuring On The Triple Black GS

Riding Motorcycles Is The Best Medicine

I once heard that suicide is a preventable disease, I wish it were true, and that I could go back in time and use that information to save a life, because one was taken from me this year, and my whole world changed as I fell into an abyss of darkness.   It was someone who… Continue reading Riding Motorcycles Is The Best Medicine

Blasting Into 2016

Hello 2016!   Pew pew pew! Fireworks. Resolutions.Reviews. Appraisals. Regrets. Change. Happy new year, or whatever.   Glad it’s over to be honest, let’s just get on with riding more. It’s been awhile since I wrote anything because I wanted to start the year without putting more pressure on myself about writing more.   Like many bike bloggers I… Continue reading Blasting Into 2016

2016 BMW R1200GS Technology Revelations

Hey, it’s been a month and I’ve covered 1,700kms, completed my first service and incidentally had two revelations riding the 2016 BMW R1200GS.   Admittedly I was weary of so much technology. My experience with this much technology tells me that what it really means is, stuff can go wildly wrong. And by wildy, I mean wildly expensive. And… Continue reading 2016 BMW R1200GS Technology Revelations

First days first 1,000kms with a Triple Black GS

After four months of indecision about my purchase, it was upon me in a flash. It was all sorted, in a rare collision of coincidence and timing I’d pick the GS up Monday arvo and do a ritual lap of the beach, then meet up with Steve and set out the next morning to cover… Continue reading First days first 1,000kms with a Triple Black GS

Review: VikingCycle Asger Motorcycle Jacket

G’day. Usually when I review something here on Daily Bikers you can be 100% sure that it is something that a) I want b) is high quality and c) I have paid for with my own money.   Times they are a changing. By that I mean, I have been given a VikingCycle Asger Motorcycle Jacket to… Continue reading Review: VikingCycle Asger Motorcycle Jacket

Three Mental Motorcycle Videos

YouTube has changed the way we view the world in ten years. We capture moments from our collective lives and publish them to the platform for the whole world to see.   My favourite thing to watch on YouTube, apart from cat videos, is motorcycle racing and crashes.   Here’s 3 mental motorcycle videos, racing, crashing… Continue reading Three Mental Motorcycle Videos

Stuck In Moto Limbo

I’m in one of those sticky situations – stuck in moto limbo trying to sell a bike to buy another one. Hopefully without trading it in, so as not to lose massive wads of cash.   There are so many different ways to approach it, I decided to go for the private sale to someone who knows… Continue reading Stuck In Moto Limbo


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